Reflecting on Africa Awareness Month: A Conversation with Chief Reverend Wayne Onkphra Wells

In a candid interview, Aido caught up with Chief Reverend Wayne Onkphra Wells, a devoted Pan-Africanist, member of the Spiritual Baptist faith and an Aidoer, to delve into the significance of Africa Awareness Month, its evolution, and the path ahead. Born in Trinidad and currently residing in Barbados, Reverend Wayne has traversed various countries, including Canada, the UK, France, and Ghana, providing him with a broadened perspective that influences his artistry in sculpting and poetry. His creations are dedicated to portraying the struggles faced by African people.

Reverend Wayne emphasizes the importance of Africa Awareness Month, tracing its roots back to the 1980s. He highlights the pioneering role of Archbishop Graniville Williams, who sought to highlight the contributions of Africans before the era of enslavement.

The movement initially involved school visits, concerts, and walks, evolving notably into a government outreach program that aims to establish more embassies in Africa, fostering more people-to-people exchanges. Reverend Wayne emphasizes that the essence of the movement lies in ownership, transparency, and genuine interactions to emancipate African communities globally.

Barbados uniquely places children at the forefront of Africa Awareness Month, acknowledging that a people without their history is like trees without roots. In the age of technology, it becomes essential to equip children with knowledge about their heritage to ensure a meaningful connection to their roots.

He emphasizes on the need to harness ancient African spirituality to fight corruption and advocates for a united states of Africa that involves a united continent with one currency, free movement, and a collective African government, drawing inspiration from successful models in China, India, and Europe. Reverend Wayne encourages Africans in the diaspora to contribute their expertise towards this vision.

Reparation is a crucial theme for Reverend Wayne, who asserts that European wealth was built on the African struggle, constituting a crime against humanity. He emphasizes that the demand for reparations is not a plea but a historical responsibility owed to Africa. He urges young people joining the fight for reparations to keep the spirit and not give up the struggle.

Reflecting on Africa\’s original fire, innocence, and beauty, Reverend Wayne emphasizes the importance of upholding Ubuntu principles and philosophies. He calls for integration efforts to celebrate Afro-centricness both on the continent and in the diaspora.

In conclusion, Aido is acknowledged for its vital role in bringing about integrity and recognizing the kings, queens, and traditional leaders who have preserved the African spirit. This, Reverend Wayne believes, is instrumental in building a global African kingdom that resonates with Ubuntu.

Bessie Sarowiwa
Aido Secretariat

Pictured from left; Admiral Elton Greaves of the Barbados Landship Association, Chief Reverend Wayne Wells, Mrs. Andrea Wells, Chief Cultural Officer of the National Cultural Foundation
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